Workshop Type: Introductory
Workshop Level: Four
Webinar: Can be facilitated via webinar
This workshop will cover current research on trauma, including vicarious trauma, and how trauma affects the everyday life of people and their relationship to well-being. The workshop also aims to provide practical skills and resources for working with those who have experienced trauma. Using the principles of trauma informed care will support your process to be safe and effective.
Let’s Get Real Skills
- Working with People Experiencing Mental Health and Addiction Needs
- Working with Whānau
- Working within Communities
- Maintaining Professional and Personal Development
- What is trauma and how it affects the brain and human behaviour.
- Resilience and its importance in trauma outcomes
- How acknowledging trauma and using trauma informed practice can provide effective support
- Relating to the context of earthquakes, floods, fires, the attack on the Canterbury Muslim community and COVID19.
Facilitator Profile
Jackie Moore Social Work Reg: 12584; BSW (Massey); Post Grad Dip Mgmt (UC); MBA (UC)
With a degree in Social Work, Jackie has been an active member of the mental health and addiction sector since 2001 and held the co-chair role at Navigate Waitaha (Canterbury Mental Health and Addiction NGO Leadership Group) for four years. Her experience across a range of roles and organisations provides insight into mental health service delivery, strategic health direction and organisational development.
Learning Intentions
Participants will be provided with an opportunity to:
- Understand Trauma-Informed theory
- Introduction to Blue Note Foundation Research in Australasian Trauma Practice
- Introduction to Bessel Van Der Kolk ‘The Body Keeps the Score’
- Introduction to vicarious trauma and Trauma Stewardship
- Use resilience and other tools to support those people who have experienced trauma
- The principles of trauma informed practice